Sensor-based remote health monitoring is used in industrial, urban and healthcare settings to monitor ongoing operation of equipment and human health. An important aim is to intervene early if anomalous events or adverse health is detected. In the wild, these anomaly detection approaches are challenged by noise, label scarcity, high dimensionality, explainability and wide variability in operating environments. The Contextual Matrix Profile (CMP) is a configurable 2-dimensional version of the Matrix Profile (MP) that uses the distance matrix of all subsequences of a time series to discover patterns and anomalies. The CMP is shown to enhance the effectiveness of the MP and other SOTA methods at detecting, visualising and interpreting true anomalies in noisy real world data from different domains. It excels at zooming out and identifying temporal patterns at configurable time scales. However, the CMP does not address cross-sensor information, and cannot scale to high dimensional data. We propose a novel, self-supervised graph-based approach for temporal anomaly detection that works on context graphs generated from the CMP distance matrix. The learned graph embeddings encode the anomalous nature of a time context. In addition, we evaluate other graph outlier algorithms for the same task. Given our pipeline is modular, graph construction, generation of graph embeddings, and pattern recognition logic can all be chosen based on the specific pattern detection application. We verified the effectiveness of graph-based anomaly detection and compared it with the CMP and 3 state-of-the art methods on two real-world healthcare datasets with different anomalies. Our proposed method demonstrated better recall, alert rate and generalisability.
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在生物医学语料库中预先培训的语言模型,例如Biobert,最近在下游生物医学任务上显示出令人鼓舞的结果。另一方面,由于嵌入尺寸,隐藏尺寸和层数等因素,许多现有的预训练模型在资源密集型和计算上都是沉重的。自然语言处理(NLP)社区已经制定了许多策略来压缩这些模型,利用修剪,定量和知识蒸馏等技术,从而导致模型更快,更小,随后更易于使用。同样,在本文中,我们介绍了六种轻型模型,即Biodistilbert,Biotinybert,BioMobilebert,Distilbiobert,Tinybiobert和Cmpactactbiobert,并通过掩护的语言在PubMed DataSet上通过掩护数据进行了知识蒸馏而获得的知识蒸馏来获得。建模(MLM)目标。我们在三个生物医学任务上评估了所有模型,并将它们与Biobert-V1.1进行比较,以创建有效的轻量级模型,以与较大的对应物相同。所有模型将在我们的HuggingFace配置文件上公开可用,网址为,用于运行实验的代码将在上获得。
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Covid-19的早期检测是一个持续的研究领域,可以帮助潜在患者的潜在患者进行分类,监测和一般健康评估,并可能降低应对冠状病毒大流行病的医院的运营压力。在文献中使用了不同的机器学习技术,用于使用常规临床数据(血液测试和生命体征)来检测冠状病毒。使用这些型号时,数据漏洞和信息泄漏可以带来声誉损害并导致医院的法律问题。尽管如此,保护避免潜在敏感信息泄漏的医疗保健模型是一个被人吸引人的研究区。在这项工作中,我们检查了两种机器学习方法,旨在预测使用常规收集和易于使用的临床数据的患者的Covid-19状态。我们雇用对抗性培训来探索强大的深度学习架构,保护与有关患者的人口统计信息相关的属性。我们在这项工作中检查的两种模型旨在保持对抗对抗攻击和信息泄漏的敏感信息。在一系列使用来自牛津大学医院的数据集,Bedfordshire医院NHS Foundation Trust,大学医院伯明翰NHS基金会信托,而朴茨茅斯医院大学NHS信任我们训练并测试两个神经网络,以使用来自基本实验室血液的信息预测PCR测试结果的神经网络对患者到达医院的测试和生命体征。我们评估其每个模型的隐私水平可以提供和展示我们提出的架构对可比基线的效力和稳健性。我们的主要贡献之一是,我们专门针对具有内置机制的有效Covid-19检测模型的开发,以便选择性地保护对抗对抗攻击的敏感属性。
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The classification of sleep stages plays a crucial role in understanding and diagnosing sleep pathophysiology. Sleep stage scoring relies heavily on visual inspection by an expert that is time consuming and subjective procedure. Recently, deep learning neural network approaches have been leveraged to develop a generalized automated sleep staging and account for shifts in distributions that may be caused by inherent inter/intra-subject variability, heterogeneity across datasets, and different recording environments. However, these networks ignore the connections among brain regions, and disregard the sequential connections between temporally adjacent sleep epochs. To address these issues, this work proposes an adaptive product graph learning-based graph convolutional network, named ProductGraphSleepNet, for learning joint spatio-temporal graphs along with a bidirectional gated recurrent unit and a modified graph attention network to capture the attentive dynamics of sleep stage transitions. Evaluation on two public databases: the Montreal Archive of Sleep Studies (MASS) SS3; and the SleepEDF, which contain full night polysomnography recordings of 62 and 20 healthy subjects, respectively, demonstrates performance comparable to the state-of-the-art (Accuracy: 0.867;0.838, F1-score: 0.818;0.774 and Kappa: 0.802;0.775, on each database respectively). More importantly, the proposed network makes it possible for clinicians to comprehend and interpret the learned connectivity graphs for sleep stages.
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Shape can specify key object constraints, yet existing text-to-image diffusion models ignore this cue and synthesize objects that are incorrectly scaled, cut off, or replaced with background content. We propose a training-free method, Shape-Guided Diffusion, which uses a novel Inside-Outside Attention mechanism to constrain the cross-attention (and self-attention) maps such that prompt tokens (and pixels) referring to the inside of the shape cannot attend outside the shape, and vice versa. To demonstrate the efficacy of our method, we propose a new image editing task where the model must replace an object specified by its mask and a text prompt. We curate a new ShapePrompts benchmark based on MS-COCO and achieve SOTA results in shape faithfulness, text alignment, and realism according to both quantitative metrics and human preferences. Our data and code will be made available at
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Pronoun resolution is a challenging subset of an essential field in natural language processing called coreference resolution. Coreference resolution is about finding all entities in the text that refers to the same real-world entity. This paper presents a hybrid model combining multiple rulebased sieves with a machine-learning sieve for pronouns. For this purpose, seven high-precision rule-based sieves are designed for the Persian language. Then, a random forest classifier links pronouns to the previous partial clusters. The presented method demonstrates exemplary performance using pipeline design and combining the advantages of machine learning and rulebased methods. This method has solved some challenges in end-to-end models. In this paper, the authors develop a Persian coreference corpus called Mehr in the form of 400 documents. This corpus fixes some weaknesses of the previous corpora in the Persian language. Finally, the efficiency of the presented system compared to the earlier model in Persian is reported by evaluating the proposed method on the Mehr and Uppsala test sets.
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Coreference resolution (CR) is one of the most challenging areas of natural language processing. This task seeks to identify all textual references to the same real-world entity. Research in this field is divided into coreference resolution and anaphora resolution. Due to its application in textual comprehension and its utility in other tasks such as information extraction systems, document summarization, and machine translation, this field has attracted considerable interest. Consequently, it has a significant effect on the quality of these systems. This article reviews the existing corpora and evaluation metrics in this field. Then, an overview of the coreference algorithms, from rule-based methods to the latest deep learning techniques, is provided. Finally, coreference resolution and pronoun resolution systems in Persian are investigated.
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乳腺癌是全球女性中最常见的癌症。乳腺癌的早期诊断可以显着提高治疗效率。由于其可靠性,准确性和负担能力,计算机辅助诊断(CAD)系统被广泛采用。乳腺癌诊断有不同的成像技术。本文使用的最准确的是组织病理学。深度传输学习被用作提议的CAD系统功能提取器的主要思想。尽管在这项研究中已经测试了16个不同的预训练网络,但我们的主要重点是分类阶段。在所有测试的CNN中,具有剩余网络既有剩余网络既有剩余和启动网络的启发能力,均显示出最佳的特征提取能力。在分类阶段,Catboost,XGBOOST和LIGHTGBM的合奏提供了最佳的平均精度。 Breakhis数据集用于评估所提出的方法。 Breakhis在四个放大因素中包含7909个组织病理学图像(2,480个良性和5,429个恶性)。提出的方法的准确性(IRV2-CXL)使用70%的Breakhis数据集作为40倍,100X,200X和400X放大倍率的训练数据分别为96.82%,95.84%,97.01%和96.15%。大多数关于自动乳腺癌检测的研究都集中在特征提取上,这使我们参加了分类阶段。 IRV2-CXL由于使用软投票集合方法而显示出更好或可比较的结果,该合奏方法可以将Catboost,XGBoost和LightGBM的优势结合在一起。
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